Entrance Gate of Chinatown Los Angeles
Close up of entrance gate to Chinatown in Los Angeles, California, USA.
hashtags: #portaldeentrada, #gate, #tor, #eingangstor, #street, #view, #chinatown, #losangeles, #california, #usa, #estadosunidos
country: United States of America
location: Los Anegels
rec date: December 2009
media: Film / Footage
frame rate: 25
length: 8s
video type:
look: Video
editorial use: Yes
commercial use: Yes
historic: No
rights by: global-stockfootage.com
portaldeentrada > gate > tor > eingangstor > street > view > chinatown > losangeles > california > usa > estadosunidos
price (incl. vat.): 60.- euro
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